Waves of change

Someone wise once said that “a journey of one thousand steps starts with one step”. So far 2020 has taught me that small consistent efforts lead to tangible results. Sometimes I look back and it feels that my life is a serious of unfinished projects, yet that is not true. That is the lie I tell myself everyday. That is an imposter making me self doubt and second guess myself. Funny enough, I knew it was there but I never paid attention to it. I guess that getting older and wiser makes you take a different approach to everything, including self doubt.
When I check all the things I’ve done, the places I’ve lived, the wonderful and extraordinary people I’ve met, I that the imposter is no more in sight. If I look back what I see is smiles and love. Everywhere. I’ve never written a blog that is not work related, but this time, I want to focus on myself, let go negative thoughts and energies and make improvements that will allow me to continue my path.

Waves of change is a series of blog entries to document the physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual transformation I decided to make this year.